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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the team at My Two Cents

We wish you all a very merry Christmas and seriously well-deserved end of year break. Stay safe and spend time with loved ones.

2020 has been a very challenging year for everyone. Small business in NZ has changed for good, and the way we did things before will not be the same again.

This year we have been so proud to work with an amazing bunch of clients, you have all showed so much resilience and strength and managed to get through the tough times with your businesses and sanity mostly intact.

While COVID-19 has thrown some hurdles at us all, it has also created so many opportunities for positive change and growth. Some of the positive changes we have seen include:

  • The implementation of software to simplify processes and save time. Clients can spend more time on business growth and expansion to other areas.
  • More focus on cashflow reports, budgeting, and goal setting. Future planning creates certainty. When you have a plan, you are better able to focus your efforts.
  • More interest in annual financial reports, and scheduling meetings and discussions with us to see what can be done differently to improve results.
  • Business owners pivoting their offerings to cope with the changes in the business environment.
  • A consumer focus on shopping local and supporting local businesses

Remember we are here to help you with any of these things. We can listen to your business idea’s, help you plan and focus on the future, create budgets, recommend, implement, and train you in new software, all to help your business flourish.

We are also here to support you in any way that you need. If you are struggling, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We aren’t just your accountants and bookkeepers, we are a team of compassionate, caring people who are more than happy to listen and help in any way we can.

Thank you all for your continued support and choosing to work with us. We look forward to being your trusted advisors and partnering with you in the year ahead, what ever challenges are thrown our way.

The My Two Cents office will be closed from the 18th December 2020, and we will be back again in the new year from 11th January 2021.

Wishing you all happy holidays,

The team at My Two Cents –

Haley, Zoe, Mackyla and Jo