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Northland Bookkeepers leading the way for Small Business

Northland Bookkeepers were honoured this year, taking out three of the eight prestigious awards presented at the Institute of Certified New Zealand Bookkeepers (ICNZB) 9th Annual conference Award evening held in Christchurch recently.  

“The high calibre of bookkeepers in our community is incredible, and the award sponsors had a very hard time choosing the winners” states the ICNZB President, Di Crawford-Errington, also a proud Northland Bookkeeper. 

Haley Wilson of My Two Cents, based in Mangawhai, took out the Bookkeeper in a Small Practice Award.  Haley was also commended by Craig Hudson, Managing Director of Xero, for her award entry into Xero’s own Bookkeeper of the Year Awards, to be held in Wellington next month.  "Haley is doing great things! Her client testimonials were particularly emotional which made her entry stand out". Unfortunately only four finalists can be chosen and Haley just missed out.

Trish Madison from Accounta Ltd based in Whangarei received the Service to Bookkeeping award for her hard work, advice and expertise in the Anti-Money Laundering space within the industry.  Legislation came into force in October 2018 requiring Bookkeepers and Accountants to comply with AML regulations.

Rachel Paterson, Conduit Bookkeeping based in Paihia took out the Emerging Bookkeeper of the Year award, awarded to those who are new to business (less than two years).

ICNZB President Di Crawford-Errington shares  “These bookkeepers are doing wonderful things to benefit and support small businesses in the Northland community.  Bookkeeping has been lifted out of the misinformed ‘back office job’ school of thought and positioned firmly as a specialist profession, where ‘in the cloud’ and certified are now part of business life. They are at the forefront of business, supporting small business at a grass roots level, ensuring their systems and processes are robust and current, supplying insights into the accurate data with which clients make sound business decisions, as well as assisting businesses with their compliance obligations.”

The importance of Certified Bookkeepers to Small Business was underlined in an address from the Minister for Small Business, Stuart Nash and by Nick Fletcher, MYOB’s National Sales Manager who advises that small businesses are the lifeblood of New Zealand and bookkeepers play an important role in helping them be a success, and, are successful small businesses themselves.  The ICNZB sets the standards required for its bookkeeping membership and these winners are the best of the best and deserve the recognition they get.