Make sure you mark these important dates in your calendar to avoid penalties. We’ve got your back, but being ahead of the game is always best!
7th February:
End-of-year income tax and Working for Families bills due, unless you have an extension
FBT return and payment due if you have a March balance date
20th February: PAYE Due
28th February:
GST due for the period ending 31st January
AIM instalments due if you have a March balance date
20th March: PAYE Due
28th March:
GST due for the period ending 29th February
AIM instalments due if you file GST monthly and have a March balance date
31st March: Final day to file 2023 tax returns for clients with a tax agent, unless you have a deferred filing date.
8th April:
End-of-year income tax and Working for Families bills due if you have an extension
Terminal Tax due for taxpayers (with a tax agent) with balance dates between 1 March and 30 September
22nd April: PAYE Due
7th May:
GST due for the period ending 31st March
Provisional tax payments due if you have a March balance date
AIM instalments due if you have a March balance date
22nd May: PAYE Due
28th May: GST due for the period ending 30th April
20th June: PAYE Due
28th June: GST due for the period ending 31st May
20th July: PAYE Due
28th July: GST due for the period ending 30th June
21st August: PAYE Due
28th August:
GST due for the period ending 31st July
Provisional tax payments due if you have a March balance date
20th September: PAYE Due
28th September:
GST due for the period ending 31st August
AIM instalments due if you file GST monthly and have a March balance date
20th October: PAYE Due
28th October:
GST due for the period ending 30th September
AIM instalments due if you have a March balance date
20th November: PAYE Due
28th November:
GST due for the period ending 31st October
AIM instalments due if you file GST monthly and have a March balance date
15th January:
GST due for the period ending 30th November
Provisional tax payments due if you have a March balance date
Looking for something that’s not listed—click here to see all the IRD detailed dates.